Triple record at the 28th Agrotica 161,577 visitors at this year’s event, an increase of 12.53%

The 28th Agrotica trade fair achieved a triple record, achieving records in exhibition participations, exhibition area coverage, and visitors, exceeding all expectations. Specifically, there were 161,775 visitors, an increase of 12.53% in comparison to the 143,754 visitors who attended the 2018 event.

The Thessaloniki International Exhibition Centre was flooded with people, with a constant flow throughout the four days of the event. Especially over the weekend, there was hardly room to breath in Agrotica spaces, as professionals from the agricultural sector rushed to receive updates and information on the latest developments in agricultural technology and a series of issues concerning agriculture. In fact, more than 60,000 people crossed the gates of the Thessaloniki International Exhibition Centre.

The first record of the 28th Agrotica was the number of exhibitors, which came to 2077 (direct and indirect), from Greece and 45 other countries, while the second record concerned exhibition spaces covered, which came to 41,000 square metres. Besides the 550 international hosted buyers from 21 countries, the fair was visited by organised delegations from all over Greece, while there was an increase in the number of groups from abroad.

There was a great response to the side events of this year’s fair, with the 8th Pan-Hellenic Conference of the 28th Agrotica on ‘Climate Change and Agriculture’ and the congress on ‘New Agriculture-New Cooperatives-Towards a modern cooperative model for the new generation’ attracting hundreds of attendees.

The 28th Agrotica was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Rural Development & Food and the Interior (Macedonia-Thrace).

The next “date” between TIF-Helexpo and the world of agriculture is at Zootechnia from 4 to 7 February 2021 in Thessaloniki, and at Agrothessaly from 4 to 7 March of the same year, in Larissa.

05/02/2020 – 12:31


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