Top German businesses at the Honoured Country pavilion of the 85th TIF

Top industries and businesses on the European and international financial stage will be participating in the National German Pavilion at the 85th TIF, holding B2B meetings with Greek companies that are interested in expanding into the largest economy in Europe. Preparations for the participation of Germany as the Honoured Country at this year’s TIF, to be held from 5-13 September at Thessaloniki International Exhibition Centre, are now entering the final stretch.

The issues of security, traffic, and consistent implementation of the health protocol, as well as the planning of the National German Pavilion, were the focus of the meetings of the administration and executives of TIF-Helexpo with the German delegation, which in the past few days visited the exhibition centre and Pavilion 13, the pavilion to house the German businesses and agencies.

The delegation consisted of the Consul and Deputy Consul General of Germany to Thessaloniki Mr Carsten Müller, Mr Patrick Specht, Head of Division Policy on Fairs and Exhibitions, Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy, from the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Athens, Mr Michael Dorn, Head of the Economic Department, and Ms Sonja Bohnet, Cultural and Political Affair Consultant from the Cologne Exhibition Organisation (which is responsible for Germany’s participation in the 85th TIF), Mr Holger Hey, Team Leader German Pavilions Worldwide, and Mr Anthony de Taranta from the gtp2 German architectural firm.

The delegation was briefed in detail regarding all matters of exhibition preparations, and it expressed its satisfaction for key issues in this year’s event, such as the health and safety of exhibitors and visitors.

The National German Pavilion will host 63 businesses and agencies and is completely full, drawing participations from the largest sectors of the German economy, such as the car industry, energy, courier services and logistics, the pharmaceutical industry, agronutrition, IT-software, air transportation, waste management and environmental protection, etc.

Indicatively, some of the businesses and industries to participate at the National German Pavilion are BASF, Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, DHL Express, Fraport Regional Airports of Greece Management Company S.A., Kosmocar SA, Mercedes-Benz Hellas, Siemens Electrotechnical Projects and Products Societe Anonyme, etc.

Furthermore, exhibitors will include important bodies representing German economy, business, education, and culture. The B2B meetings between German and Greek businesses will hold a special position in the programme of side events to be held in the framework of Germany’s participation as Honoured Country.

The business side of the German participation is further strengthened by the initiative of the German-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce and Industry, which is organising its own Group Pavilion titled ‘Greece meets Germany’, which will provide the opportunity to companies that export to the German market to promote their entrepreneurial activity to TIF visitors.

The German participation will also include a rich programme of side events related to the economy and culture, to be announced shortly.

13/07/2020 – 11:19


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