The entire chamber community of Greece will attend the 85th TIF

A dynamic attendance by Greek enterprises at the return of the September Fair.

Greek entrepreneurship from all over the country will be participating in the return of the 85th TIF, where the Union of Hellenic Chambers (KEEE) will be dynamically present, along with the independent presence of Thessaloniki Chambers. This year’s TIF, after a year’s absence because of the pandemic, is greatly focused on entrepreneurship, especially that of small and medium enterprises, which are the backbone of the Greek economy, and which were under the most pressure during the health crisis.

Seeing this year’s event as an opportunity for an economic “reset”, the presence of the Chambers will underline the role of the TIF in the economic happenings of Greece and their presence will mark its dynamic return.

The Union of Hellenic Chambers and its enterprise-members will use pavilions 2 and 3, while the Chambers of Thessaloniki, TCCI and PCT, will be hosted in pavilions 16 and 8 correspondingly. In fact, KEEE, TCCI, and PCT have decided to subsidise the participation of their members, a very important move, given the difficulties of the period.

At the same time, the expression of interest so far by individual enterprises that want to have a position at this year’s event is encouraging.

There is also significant activity in the sectors of Energy and Automobility-Electromobility, while Digital Greece will be present for yet another year at pavilion 12, with innovative enterprises giving us a flavour of the future of the Greek economy.

“The chamber community will once again be dynamically present at this year’s 85th TIF, as it believes it will act as a dynamic springboard that will reset the economy and empower enterprises to escape the pandemic crisis. Given that the honoured country this year is Greece, the Greek chambers will submit their own plan for a return to growth, with proposals that will provide a boost to entrepreneurship, innovation, technology, and openness, thus playing their institutional role as an advisor to the State on economic issues”, noted the President of the Union of Hellenic Chambers, Mr Konstantinos Michalos.

On his side, the President of TIF-Helexpo, Mr Tasos Tzikas, stressed: “The participation of enterprises in the 85th TIF via the presence of the Chambers is especially important to us, because it declares their faith in the event, and during a period that all of us need to return to normality and to financial ‘clear skies’”.

The 85th TIF will be held, in person, from 11 to 19 September at the Thessaloniki International Exhibition Centre, observing all required hygiene protocols, and it will be the first major Fair to be organised in Europe in 2021, setting the organisational bar for all similar events.

It will be dedicated to Greece and the main thematic axis will be the Past, the Present, and the Future of the country through the dynamic presence of all the Regions in pavilion 13.

The 85th TIF will be organised alongside the Thessaloniki Helexpo Forum, the established dialogue platform for all major developmental and economic issues, which will be held from 13 to 17 September.

28/06/2021 – 13:53


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