The 87th TIF commences – Opening of the pavilion of Honoured Country Bulgaria

At a difficult moment for Greece and with everyone’s thoughts with those struck by the catastrophic flooding, the 87th TIF has been welcoming visitors since this morning. The Fair will make its mark on the life and economy of Thessaloniki over the next nine days, with 1500 exhibitors, 18 international participations, and Bulgaria as the Honoured Country.

The major prospects of further strengthening the ties between Greece and Bulgaria were underlined at today’s opening of Bulgaria’s Honoured Country pavilion by Minister of Economy and Industry of Bulgaria, Mr Bogdan Bogdanov, and Minister of Finance of Bulgaria, Mr Assen Vassilev, along with the Minister of National Economy and Finance of Greece, Mr Kostis Chatzidakis. Also present at the opening was the Minister of Tourism of Bulgaria, Ms Zaritsa Dinkova. The Bulgarian participation consists of 60 enterprises from sectors such as energy, circular economy, industry, innovation-technology, food, transports-logistics, cosmetics, tourism, primary sector, packaging, and services, and it will cover 2600 m2 in pavilion 13.

“For Bulgaria it is a great honour to be the Honoured Country at the 87th TIF, while it is also a major recognition for our country and for the excellent political and economic relationships between Bulgaria and Greece”, mentioned Mr Bodganov, while he also stressed that both countries struggled over the past two days due to natural disasters and the flooding they caused.

He also referred to bilateral trade relations, noting that they reached record levels in 2022, at more than 5.9 billion Euros, an

increase of approximately 30% in comparison to 2021, as well as to investment relations, stressing that there are more than 18,000 Greek companies present in Bulgaria. During his speech at the opening, he presented the most important companies that are part of the Bulgarian participation at the 87 TIF, which include new technologies, innovation, energy, and education.

“We are strong when we work together”, stressed Mr Vassilev, who emphasised strengthening collaboration between the two countries for the creation of new prospects.

“The opening of the pavilion of our friend and neighbour Bulgaria, this year’s Honoured Country at the 87th TIF, is taking place under exceptionally difficult conditions for the two countries”, mentioned Mr Chatzidakis, who stressed that Greece is facing the consequences of an extreme, unprecedented weather phenomenon, which, unfortunately, is leaving behind lost off life and unparalleled destruction. “Right now our thoughts are with the victims and their families, as well as with the residents of all the regions that experienced and are still experiencing in the most tragic way the consequences of this tragic phenomenon”, he stressed.

In reference to the TIF, he noted that it is an integral part of the history of Thessaloniki, the modern history of Greece, and of the overall effort for greater openness in Thessaloniki. “In recent years, the Fair has succeeded in securing an upgraded role in attracting exhibitors and visitors from all over the world. The continuously increasing number of visitors and exhibitors proves this and the institution of the Honoured Countries contributed to it”, he pointed out. Lastly, he stressed that during these difficult moments for all of us, Greece and Bulgaria are still finding ways to collaborate and strengthen their bilateral relations, while he characterised the neighbouring country as a very important partner for Greece.

A mulithematic 87th TIF

Nine thematic events, Greece and Entrepreneurship, Akademia, Regional Greece, Circular Economy, Gastronomy-Nutrition, Digital Greece Startups, Public Bodies-Organisations, Cosmos-International Participations, and Furniture-Household Equipment, are inviting people to discover them at the 87th TIF.

There will be 18 international state participations this year, including Bulgaria as the Honoured Country. In fact, South Korea, Moldova, and Thailand are participating for the first time, while the other countries are Cyprus, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Vietnam, Uruguay, Ukraine, Armenia, Iran, Italy, Poland, Serbia, India, and Nepal.

The Union of Hellenic Chambers will be dynamically present with 49 Chambers and 382 SMEs from all over Greece. Four Chambers will be attending with separate participations; namely, the Professional Chamber of Thessaloniki, the Thessaloniki Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Athens Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Thessaloniki Chamber of Small & Medium-Sized Industries (VETH). In fact, the Thessaloniki Chamber of Small & Medium-Sized Industries (VETH) is organising a special thematic unit on clothing, footwear, and accessories at pavilion 16, titled Thessfashion, with the participation of important names in the world of fashion.

The concert with Stelios Rokkos and ONIRAMA that was scheduled for 10 September has been cancelled, due to the dramatic events of recent days.

The 87th TIF is being held under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior (Macedonia-Thrace) and the Region of Central Macedonia.

The National Bank of Greece is the Official Bank, Aegean is the Official Airline, PPC is the Official Energy Provider, NOVA is the Telecommunications Sponsor, PAPASTRATOS is the Sponsor of the 87th TIF, Nymfi is the Official Beer of the 87th TIF, Autohellas Hertz is the Official Transport Sponsor, Loux is the Official Soft Drink of the 87th TIF, Pigi OLYMPOU is the natural mineral water Sponsor of the 87th TIF, and Epsilon SingularLogic is the Official IT Partner.

Capsis Hotels is the Hospitality Sponsor for Music Events Live, Limousines Greece VIP Services is the VIP Transportation Sponsor, Taxi Way is the Transportation Sponsor, and Samiotakis is the Catering Sponsor.

10/09/2023 – 13:31


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