The 85th TIF will be held on 11-19 September, with Greece as the Honoured Country and with a main thematic axis of the Past, Present, and Future of the country

On 13-17 September Thessaloniki Helexpo Forum will also be held

The 85th TIF, the greatest exhibition event in Greece, will be physically held on 11-19 September 2021 at the Thessaloniki International Exhibition Centre, while observing all necessary hygiene protocols.

The TIF will be the first major Exhibition to be organised in Europe in 2021 and it will set the organisational bar for all corresponding events, given the progress of the vaccination programme.

This year’s TIF is dedicated to Greece, its central thematic axis being Exhibiting the Past, Present, and Future of the country, drawing on the 200th anniversary since the Greek Revolution.

Emphasising entrepreneurship, innovation, technology, and culture, the 85th TIF will attract the participation of representative businesses and agencies from all over Greece, as well as international participations.

At the same time, it will also offer entertainment, which will act as pole of attraction for visitors of all ages.

The 85th TIF will be implemented alongside the Thessaloniki Helexpo Forum, the established platform of dialogue for all major developmental and economic issues, which, in its 2nd year, will host from 13-17 September the political and business leadership of Greece, raising all the critical issues that have been highlighted through the pandemic.

Dozens of panels will include ministers, party representatives, entrepreneurship bodies, associations, businesses, and local government, as well as institutional agents, who will discuss the impact of the unprecedented health crisis, and the new day and the challenges it brings.

17/05/2021 – 11:42


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