The 81st TIF has invigorated Greek-Russian relations

The 81st serves as a ‘bridge’ for strengthening Greek-Russian relations, enabling the growth of new partnerships between enterprises from the two countries.

In fact, bilateral relations may continue and intensify in view of the other upcoming exhibitions being organised by the national exhibition agency, such as the ‘Philoxenia’ international tourism exhibition, which will be held from 18 to 20 November 2016 in Thessaloniki.

The President of TIF-Helexpo, Mr Tassos Tzikas, stressed the above when interviewed by 7 Russian journalists who were visiting the Fair and Thessaloniki in the context of Russia’s participation in the 81st TIF as the Guest of Honour.

Mr Tzikas noted that the two countries share numerous sectors of common interest, such as tourism, energy, food and culture.

In turn, the Deputy Regional Governor of Thessaloniki, Ms Voula Patoulidou, welcomed the Russian journalists and underlined the importance of growth of tourism relations between the two countries.

The Deputy Regional Governor for Tourism and Culture of the Region of Central Macedonia, Mr Alexandros Thanos, highlighted the Region’s cultural initiatives that focus on twinning with specific Russian regions.

The Russian journalists, who work for widely circulated newspapers and magazines, focused on the issues of further growth of bilateral relations and facilitation of travel of Russian tourists to Greece, while underlining the successful initiative for Russia to be the Guest of Honour at the 81st TIF.

16/09/2016 – 17:17


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