Record number of exhibitors and visitors The best Zootechnia yet

The 10th Zootechnia exceeded every expectation, as it achieved record visitor numbers, welcoming 58,743 visitors from 2 to 5 February, marking a 16.6% increase over the 50,354 visitors in 2015. During the weekend, in particular, Thessaloniki International Exhibition Centre was flooded with visitors. Given the record number of exhibitors in this year’s event, with over 900 participants, the 10th Zootechnia will go down as the best ever.

The 27% increase in the number of international hosted buyers was particularly important, as their presence bestowed an intensely international character on the 10th Zootechnia. Greek exhibitors came from all over the country, direct and indirect international exhibitors represented 37 countries, while direct international exhibitors came from 11 countries (Austria, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Denmark, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, Spain and Turkey). This year’s Fair also welcomed hosted buyers from 10 countries (Albania, FYROM, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Germany, Romania, Russia, Bulgaria and Cyprus) as well as 300 visitors as part of group delegations from Albania, FYROM and Bulgaria. In total, the Fair covered a total of 14,350 sq.m. of indoor and outdoor space, as compared to 12,938 sq.m in 2015.

Thousands of visitors flooded the Pet Festival, which included, among other events, the ‘International Dog Festival’, a large salon entitled ‘All About Cats’ and the ‘Groom Expo’ section, as well as the 6th Horse Show, featuring over 50 Greek and other breeds that captivated the public. There was extensive participation in the side events of the 10th Zootechnia, covering every area of interest within the livestock and poultry sectors.

The 10th Zootechnia was supported by the Association of Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery of Greece, the Hellenic Feed Industry Association and the Machinery Importers’ – Representatives’ Association.

TIF-Helexpo will return to the world of primary production in March and April, as it will host Detrop-Oenos, Agrothessaly and Freskon in Thessaloniki and Larissa.

06/02/2017 – 15:39


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