Beyond 4.0 Fair: Thessaloniki becomes the focal point of international innovation and technology from 14 to 16 October

The Beyond 4.0 Fair aims to turn Thessaloniki into a technology and innovation hub. The fair will be held from 14 to 16 October and will be the ideal platform for international business leaders, pioneering thinkers, cutting edge technology, and anyone active in consumer technology. The Beyond 4.0 innovation and technology exhibition will provide a platform to companies from all over the world to present innovative products and their services, as well as the opportunity to make important deals with visitors from Greece and abroad. The new fair is being organised by TIF-Helexpo, Be-Best, and Industry Disruptors Game Changers (IDGC).

The main theme of Beyond 4.0 will be ‘The future of Artificial Intelligence (AI)’, which will be explored through the trade fair with high tech companies, a congress with important international speakers, workshops by startups and major businesses, product and service presentations, and round tables and networking on the future of Artificial Intelligence. Adapted to the new conditions shaped by the pandemic, Beyond 4.0 will create the best and safest conditions for a successful commercial result, both for exhibitors as well as for visitors.

The planning and development of the multifaceted event covers four basic sectors: the Congress Sector, the Startup Sector, the Research Centre & University Sector, and the Commercial Company & Technological Digital Application Sector.

The Congress Sector will be focused around top speakers, founders of pioneering digital companies, and distinguished personalities in the industry, namely, current visionaries, who will discuss issues that impact modern industry. Beyond the congress events, there will be a rich programme of interactive speeches and presentations at the two main stages of the exhibition, throughout its duration.

In the Startup Sector, startups will present their innovative ideas and applications to investors and venture capital companies.

The Research Centre & University Sector will present the work of research centres and universities on the front of research, technology development, and innovation, while in the Commercial Company & Technological Digital Application Sector companies that are active in Technological Digital Applications will be physically present. Visitors will be the first to come into contact with companies that are active in the creation of digital tools for the transition to the 4th Industrial Revolution, adopting practices that differentiate their business models and the production processes.

During Beyond 4.0, participants will experience, among other things, the implementation of AI technology in funding, enterprises, retail, commerce, the automotive industry, telecommunications, innovation, security, healthcare, energy, applied engineering, gambling, etc.

29/09/2021 – 14:15


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