217 exhibitors from 12 countries, 190 international trade visitors from 34 countries and 2000 business meetings at the FRESKON Fresh Fruit and Vegetable International Trade Event

25% increase in exhibitor numbers in comparison to 2022
Opening on Sunday, 23 April

This year’s FRESKON Fresh Fruit and Vegetable International Trade Event is opening on Sunday, with 217 exhibitors from 12 countries, 190 international trade visitors from 34 countries, the Region of Western Greece as the Honoured Region, an international congress on citrus fruits with distinguished speakers, and the established FreshCon Market providing a platform for major supermarket chains to come into contact with agricultural sector producers and professionals.

FRESKON, which will be held from 23 to 25 April at the Thessaloniki International Exhibition Centre, has levelled-up both as regards quantity and quality, and it has confirmed its title as the largest meeting of producers, international retail groups, and domestic and international transporters in Southeastern Europe.

The exhibitors, who will cover 12,500 square metres of exhibition space, have increased by 25% in comparison to the 2022 event, and are from 12 countries. Specifically, Greece, Moldova, Romania, Poland, Hungary, the Netherlands, Cyprus, Italy, Spain, India, Bosnia-Herzegovina, and Turkey. Besides exhibitors, FRESKON will also host 190 international trade visitors from 34 countries, including 115 as individuals and 73 as part of group participations from Bulgaria and North Macedonia. In this context, more than 2000 business meetings between representatives of Greek enterprises and producers, and international hosted buyers have been scheduled.

At this year’s FRESKON, the Region of Western Greece is the Honoured Region. Through its participation in the exhibition it will underline the high nutritional value of the region’s fruit and vegetables, aiming to promote them to international markets. Besides the Region of Western Greece, other participants include the Regions of Crete, Western Macedonia, Thessaly, Central Macedonia, Eastern Macedonia-Thrace, and Attica.

The International citrus fruit congress stands out at this year’s exhibition, to be held on Sunday 23 April, with experts from Greece and abroad speaking on the latest developments in the production and trading of citrus fruits.

Furthermore, FreshCon Market, to be held on 24-25 April, organised by TIF-HELEXPO and FROUTONEA magazine, will focus on linking production to retail sales, mainly aiming at bringing large supermarket chains into direct contact with professionals of the agricultural sector, creating ideal conditions for direct deals. More specifically, 16 supermarkets from 8 countries will participate in this year’s FreshCon.

FRESKON also incorporates a number of other side events, at which specialised subjects of the primary sector will be presented, such as linking agricultural production to trade, standardisation-packaging, openness, etc.

The opening of the event will be held on Sunday 23 April at 17:00 and it will be carried out by the Minister of Rural Development and Food, Mr Giorgos Georgantas. The opening hours of are: Sunday and Monday 10:00 to 19:00 and Tuesday 10:00 to 18:00.

Today’s Press conference

The President of TIF-HELEXPO, Mr Tasos Tzikas, characterised FRESKON as a model exhibition that was launched with the goal of becoming an international event and a success from the very first moment, during the today’s press conference in view of the opening on Sunday. He also underlined the participation of the Regions in this year’s event, especially that of the Honoured Region, the Region of Western Greece.

FRESKON’s maturity was pointed out by TIF-HELEXPO CEO, Dr Kyriakos Pozrikidis, who stressed the importance of the number of exhibitors in comparison to previous years.

It is an honour for the Region of Western Greece to be the focal point of such an important international event that concerns agri-food and there is great joy in the recognition of its efforts to promote its products, noted authorised consultant/assistant of the Governor of Western Greece, Mr Panagiotis Sakellaropoulos, who also referred to the Agri-food Partnership of the region and the ‘Olympiaki Gi’ brand.

FROUTONEA magazine publisher-director, Mr Panagiotis Orfanos, congratulated TIF-HELEXPO for organising FRESKON, while he noted that the fresh fruit and vegetable sector has great momentum, however, certain structural problems need to be resolved with the help of the State.

TIF-HELEXPO General Director, Mr Alexis Tsaxirlis, characterised FRESKON a model-exhibition for the exhibition events of the coming decade, referring to its specialised and export-oriented character.

This year’s FRESKON is complete, tight, and with improved quantitative and qualitative characteristics, according to the event’s project manager, Ms Tonia Nikolaidou. In fact, she announced that this is the first time that FRESKON includes state participations, such as Poland and Moldova.


24/04/2023 – 14:41


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