210,081 people gave the 81st TIF the thumbs-up

More than 210,000 visitors gave their ‘vote’ of confidence to the 81st anniversary TIF, which ended on Sunday, renewing its ‘appointment’ with the public for next September. Specifically, 210,081 people crossed the gates of TIF, ’embracing’ the event, despite the difficulties in travelling to the Fair over the last weekend, which TIF-Helexpo tried to overcome with its own initiatives.

One especially encouraging statistic from the 81st TIF, which coincides with the 90th birthday of the institution, is that a large number of visitors were young people, which is auspicious for the future of the Fair.

The administration of TIF-Helexpo would like to give its warmest thanks the members of the public who keep showing their steady love for the Fair, which has once again become ‘fashionable’ in Thessaloniki and the broader region.

Entrepreneurship, culture, education, science, technology, culture and recreation were harmoniously combined at the 81st TIF and composed an even result exhibition-wise.

The national exhibition body has already started preparing the next TIF, where the guest of honour will be China, following the successful and significant presence of Russia at this year’s event.

04/10/2016 – 11:35


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