11th Zootechnia is the largest ever

The largest ever Zootechnia is starting off the TIF-Helexpo exhibition programme for 2019. The 11th Zootechnia, which will start on 31 January and last until 3 February, has recorded a record number of participations in comparison to any other event in the past, as exhibitors come to 988, in comparison to 939 in 2017, while the exhibition space – indoor and outdoor – will cover an area of 16,663 sq. m. in comparison to 14,350 sq. m. in 2017.

Zootechnia is distinctly international, as there are direct exhibitors from 14 other countries, namely the UK, Egypt, Bulgaria, Germany, Denmark, Spain, Italy, China, Cyprus, Latvia, Poland, Romania, Slovenia, and Turkey. Overall, international exhibitors (direct and indirect) represent 41 countries, in comparison to 37 countries in 2017, while Greek exhibitors come from all over the country.

There is also a rich programme for hosted buyers, who reached 380. Of those, 354 will arrive as group participations from Bulgaria, Albania, and FYROM, and the rest are from Albania, Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Russia, Saudi Arabia, and Tunisia.

Zootechnia is the only specialised exhibition in the sector of food producing animals in Greece and the Balkans. All major domestic animal and fowl farming companies will be there and will present the latest developments in the two sectors, from significant species of food producing animals, to machinery, services, and research.

Participants in this year’s event include the Ministry of Agricultural Development and Food, Organisations for the Control and Certification of Products, the Hellenic Veterinary Association, the Union of Young Farmers, the Association of Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery of Greece (EKAGEM), the Machinery Importers’ – Representatives’ Association (SEAM), the Hellenic Feed Industry Association, the Hellenic Association of Biogas Producers (HABIO), the Thessaloniki Technological Educational Institute – Department of Animal Production, the Animal Product Laboratory of the School of Veterinary Medicine of AUTh, the Agricultural University of Athens, etc.

In continuation of the Digital Greece initiative, the startup theme park presented for the first time at the 83rd TIF, TIF-HELEXPO, the Ministry of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Media, and Industry Disruptor Game Changers, present Digital Greece: Zootechnia edition. Innovative startups that are active in the sectors of approaching and managing animal production, animal raising, animal nutrition, maintenance of animal equipment, etc. will present their products and services in a specially designed space at Pavilion 16, stand 29.

The Press Conference

The great importance that TIF-Helexpo places on primary production, which will be highlighted by the 11th Zootechnia, was underlined by the President of the inational exhibition body, Mr Tasos Tzikas, at a press conference today, in view of the inauguration of the organisation, which will be carried out by the Minister of Rural Development and Food, Mr Stavros Arachovitis.

On his side TIF-Helexpo CEO Mr Kyriakos Pozrikidis noted that Zootechnia concerns both Greek animal farmers as well as farmers in the Balkans and the Eastern Mediterranean, while he pointed out that this year’s event has activated almost the entirety of the Exhibition Centre.

The President of Association of Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery of Greece Ms Dimitria Emmanouilidou characterised the 11th Zootechnia as a key meeting point for animal farmers and

farmers with manufacturers, underlining the role of the exhibition in attracting exhibitors and visitors from the Balkans. “The central message of this year’s exhibition must be that of direct support to animal farmers and farmers”, she stressed.

The Machinery Importers’ – Representatives’ Association is participating in the 11th Zootechnia with 16 businesses-members, covering an exhibition area of 3500 sq. m., according to the Association’s President Mr Savvas Balouktsis. Mr Balouktsis underlined the need to modernise equipment and facilities in the animal farming sector, and he expressed his belief in the success of the exhibition.

The close cooperation of the Municipality of Larissa with TIF-Helexpo that led to the especially successful Agrothessaly, an important exhibition for the agricultural sector, was underlined by the Deputy Mayor of Finance and Growth of the Municipality of Larissa Mr Panagiotis Dais.

The Pet Fesitval is being held for the seventh time at Zootechnia, as mentioned by Mr Vassilis Goulielmos who is a partner in the event, who also underlined that in the framework of the festival an agility competition will be held for the first time.

The Animal Product Laboratory of the School of Veterinary Medicine of AUTh will be present at Zootechnia for the fourth time, in real stable conditions, as mentioned by Professor of the School of Veterinary Medicine of AUTh Mr Giorgos Arsenos. In fact, he stated that a bioclimatic stable that deals with the challenges of climate change will be presented in the framework of the exhibition this year.

The presence of biogas unit technology companies at Zootechnia for the first time was underlined by the head of organising for Zootrechnia Mr Vassilis Spyrou, while he also mentioned the increased interest of visitors, mainly from the Balkans, as well as the exhibition’s opening to Africa.

Lastly, the deputy general director of TIF-Helexpo Mr Alexis Tsaxirlis looked back on when Zootechnia first started, 20 years

ago, when the exhibition made its first timid appearance; the exhibition is now the second largest event of the company after Agrotica.

The events

This year Zootechnia includes, among other things, the Pet Festival and the Horse Show, as well as a number of side events:

-The application of circular economy in farming and livestock farming, in cooperation with the Success company.

-The 22nd Animal Farming Symposium of the Hellenic Society for Animal Production.

-The events programme of the special management services of the Agricultural Growth 20014 -2020 Programme.

-The established congress of the meat sector ‘from the stable to the plate’, in cooperation with Meat News magazine.

-The event on innovative applications in animal production, which is a cooperation of TIF-Helexpo with the Animal Product Laboratory of the School of Veterinary Medicine of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, as well as many colloquiums on current affairs of the sector, such as biogas and agricultural growth, practical solutions for farmers through research and innovation, dairy farming, etc.

The opening hours of Zootechnia are weekdays and Sundays 10:00-19:00 and Saturdays 10:00-20:00.

30/01/2019 – 14:31


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