85th TIF: Restarting exhibition activity and the economy


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85th TIF: Restarting exhibition activity and the economy85th TIF: Restarting exhibition activity and the economy85th TIF: Restarting exhibition activity and the economy

Back with a bang, with more than 900 exhibitors, a wealth of thematic events, concerts, all revolving around the theme of ‘Greece: Past-Present-Future’

The 85th TIF (11-19 September), is once again ready to welcome the public, in a healthy and safe environment, as the first major Covid-Free European exhibition, sending the message that both exhibition activity and the Greek economy are Restarting.

With more than 900 direct and indirect exhibitors from 15 countries (Cyprus, Vietnam, Armenia, Luxembourg, Poland, Portugal, Bangladesh, Indonesia, Romania, Italy, Russia, Serbia, Malta, Bulgaria, and Germany), the 85th TIF is dedicated to Greece, with the main thematic axis of the Past, Present, and Future of the country, on the occasion of the 200th anniversary since the Greek Revolution. It will emphasise entrepreneurship, innovation, education, energy-electromobility, circular economy-recycling, while it will retain the element of entertainment-recreation, with concerts, events, and anniversary thematic events.

In the framework of its main thematic axis, Greece’s 13 Regions will be presented in pavilion 13, highlighting their historical evolution through time and their current productive capacity.

In fact, the Peloponnese will act as a thematic Region, due to its close links to the Greek Revolution.

The thematic event ‘Greece & Entrepreneurship’ will play a central role at the TIF, with the participation of the Union of Hellenic Chambers, with 42 Chambers from all over Greece and their 215 businesses-members. The TCCI and the PCT have individual exhibition participations.

Innovation, startups, the ‘Elevate Greece’ National Startup Awards, and many other side events will provide energy to the ‘Digital Greece’ thematic event.

At the same time, the ‘Energia’ thematic event will emphasise Circular Economy and Recycling, and ‘Auto-Motion’ will focus on electromobility, with visitors having the opportunity to see some of the most modern electric models.

Another thing that’s back at the 85th TIF is gaming, with E-Gaming powered by Germanos, which will be hosted in Pavilion 17 and which will be one of the most pioneering gaming events. Furthermore, on the first floor of pavilion 2, one more game will be presented, HADO, which introduces the cutting edge technology of augmented reality into sports, providing players with the ability to create energy balls and shields with their hands in a real 6x10 pitch.

Also present at the TIF for another year will be Cheapart, which this year will focus on the thematic axis of the 85th TIF, ‘Greece: Past, Present, Future’.

The Music Events at Alexandreio Melathron will once again be a pole of attraction from 13-17 September, with many popular artists making an appearance, while all necessary health restrictions will be applied. More specifically, performers include MONIE MONIE CONNIENTE-Diogenis Daskalou, Giannis Zouganelis and Akliviadis Konstantopoulos, Vassilis Lekkas and Dimitris Basis in a special homage to Mikis Theodorakis, Paschalis, and The Swingin’ Cats.

This year’s TIF, given the 200th anniversary celebration of the Greek Revolution, is adding to its events with a historic and cultural thematic exhibition on the first 100 years of modern Hellenism. The thematic exhibition is titled ‘FIGHT WELL… FOR THE HOMELAND’ and it presents the Revolution of 1821 in Macedonia and the rest of Greece, as well as the Macedonian Struggle and the Balkan Wars of 1912-1913, which led to the liberation of Northern Greece.

Alongside the TIF, from 13 to 17 September, the 2nd Thessaloniki Helexpo Forum is also being held, with more than 110 speakers and 19 thematic units on current critical and timely issues, as well as future developments.

It should be noted that during the operation of the 85th TIF, the vaccination centre will remain open, however, citizens who wish to be vaccinated will enter it from a separate entrance on Tritis Septemvriou Street.

The Press conference

The first major Covid-Free exhibition in Europe is being organised by TIF-Helexpo, sending the message that things are restarting, as was mentioned in today’s press conference on the 85th TIF by the President of the national exhibition body, Mr Tasos Tzikas, who stressed that despite the enormous technological leap that was made during the pandemic, being physically present, the need to shake hands and make deals up close, cannot be replaced by any online meeting.

On his side, the Deputy Minister of the Interior (Macedonia-Thrace), Mr Stavros Kalafatis, noted that the TIF is back, it is opening its doors, and that this year, in comparison to last year, when it had been cancelled, we have the vaccine in our arsenal. He also stressed that it is a common goal to make Thessaloniki an exhibition and congress hub for the broader region, which is why the regeneration project is moving forward at such a fast pace.

The close ties of the Peloponnese and Macedonia were referred to by the Governor of the Peloponnese, Mr Panagiotis Nikas, who noted that “we are linked by the struggles of our ancestors, our grandfathers”, providing a taste of the programme of events for the 200 years since the Greek Revolution of 1821. He also thanked

TIF-Helexpo for the unique, as he called it, opportunity to promote his Region through the institution of the TIF. In fact, he announced the partnership of his Region with the exhibition body for the creation of an exhibition “antenna” of the TIF in Megalopolis. “We support the TIF in all its events”, he stressed.

The support of the Region of Central Macedonia to the TIF was expressed by the Deputy Governor of Thessaloniki, Ms Voula Patoulidou, who expressed her hopes that the regenerated Fair become a central reference point for the whole of Europe.

The special importance of the TIF for the city was underlined in turn by the Mayor of Thessaloniki, Mr Konstantinos Zervas, who stressed that it is an organisation that is intertwined with the city’s social life, a multifaceted event that is about more than just entrepreneurship. In fact, he noted that this year’s TIF is a more optimistic exhibition.

On his side the CEO of TIF-Helexpo, Mr Kyriakos Pozrikidis, noted that although the 85th TIF will be held following special specifications, it will be of exceptionally high quality and the fact alone that it is being organised, after a year of absence, is an important event in itself.

A great “thank you” to exhibitors, sponsors, and employees was expressed by the project manager of the 85th TIF, Mr Panagiotis Chatziioannou, who wished every success to the Fair.

The support of the National Bank of Greece to the TIF was expressed in turn by the Director of the NBG network, Mr Christos Pantazis. The Manager of Corporate Affairs of Aegean, Ms Marina Spyridaki, also stressed that it means a lot to the company to be a sponsor of the TIF. It is a landmark, she noted, while she expressed the will of Aegean to stand shoulder to shoulder with the city of Thessaloniki.

The Official Telecommunications Provider of the Fair is Wind, the Official Airline is Aegean, the Official Transport Sponsor is Kosmocar, the Official Energy Provider is the PPC, the Official Bank is the National Bank of Greece, while the Beer of the 85th TIF is ‘NYMFI THESSALONIKIS’. The concert accommodation sponsor is KAPSIS hotel. As regards the forum, it is being supported by FODSA (Solid Waste Management Agency) of

Central Macedonia, Farcom will be providing antiseptics, while LIAFARM Pharmaceuticals Warehouse will be showing its support by providing masks.

The TIF is being organised under the auspices of the Ministry of the Interior (Macedonia – Thrace).