116 applications from all over the world in the first phase of the International Architectural Design Competition for the revitalisation of the Thessaloniki Exhibition Centre


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116 applications from all over the world in the first phase of the International Architectural Design Competition for the revitalisation of the Thessaloniki Exhibition Centre

Vote of confidence from the international architecture community

The notice of the Architectural Design Competition for the revitalisation project of the Thessaloniki Exhibition and Conference Centre was enthusiastically accepted by the international architecture community.

Over the previous weeks more than 300 interested parties from all over the world registered at the Competition website, www.thessaloniki-confexpark.gr.

The first phase of the Competition, which concerned the submission of applications, was completed successfully yesterday, recording broad international interest.

More specifically, a total of 116 applications from individual architectural firms or groups of firms/architects were submitted. It is also impressive that these applications came from architectural firms or groups of firms/architects based in 33 countries on all 5 continents. In fact, there was intense interest from Greek architectural firms, too.

As foreseen by the Competition process, by December 2020 15 teams of firms/architects will be preselected, which will then submit their design proposals by May 2021.

The International Architectural Design Competition has been announced in accordance with the principles of UNESCO architectural design competitions, and its Regulations have been approved by the International Union of Architects (UIA).

The goal is to design an environmentally friendly and ultra-modern emblematic Exhibition and Conference Centre of the highest standard, while also ensuring the best functionality of its facilities, in combination with an urban green park to be used by its citizens.

The project includes the creation of an open green space of approximately 15 acres, suitable for recreation and outdoor cultural and exhibition uses.

The first prize winner will be selected by the International Judging Panel in June 2021.

TIF-Helexpo President Mr Tasos Tzikas stated that “the large number of participating architectural firms from around the world in the first phase of the Competition constitutes a vote of confidence in the revitalisation project of the Thessaloniki Exhibition and Conference Centre. The creation of a new bioclimatic landmark for a modern city will help Thessaloniki become an important Exhibition Centre in Southeastern Europe, and will improve the quality of life of its citizens”.